📄️ Job Monitoring
Job monitoring in Tombolo allows you to track Work Units (WU) running on HPCC clusters. Tombolo checks the clusters every 30 minutes and monitors work units based on a specified name or name pattern. It can send notifications if a work unit enters an undesired state, deviates from the expected state, or violates punctuality rules, such as failing to start or complete within the expected time.
📄️ Directory Monitoring
Directory monitoring in Tombolo enables tracking of files within the HPCC cluster, covering both Logical Files and Landing Zone Files. For logical files, you can monitor attributes like size, type, compression status, deletion, and protection status. For landing zone files, you can track file movement, appearance, and sizes, ensuring efficient management and visibility of your data
📄️ Cluster Monitoring
Tombolo currently offers only one kind of monitoring for clusters, which is the ability to monitor if the engine(s) specified inside of the cluster exceed a usage percentage target.
📄️ Superfiles Monitoring
Superfiles are collections of files inside of an HPCC cluster, and can be thought of as similar to a folder inside of an operating system. Tombolo currently provides a few different monitoring paramters for these collections of files.