Wildcards are special characters that can stand in for unknown characters in a text value and are handy for locating multiple items with similar, but not identical data. Wildcards can also help with getting data based on a specified pattern match. For example, finding everyone named John on Park Street.
Tombolo can use wildcards to find assets that match a specific pattern. They are specially useful if you do not know the complete asset name but you know the pattern, or if you want to include all the assets that are of a specific pattern, or assets that are not currently in the cluster but could arrive in the future.
Matches any number of characters. You can use the asterisk (*) anywhere in a character string.
wh*- finds what, white, and why, but not awhile or watch.
*wh* - finds what, white, why and awhile, but not watch.
Question Mark (?)
Matches a single character in a specific position
b?ll - finds ball, bell, and bill, but not bal.
Big??Query - finds Big19Query, Big98Query, BigABQuery, but not Big1Query.