User Interface
Tombolo's user interface is divded into three major zones.
Left Hand Navigation
The left hand navigation is the primary method Tombolo uses to navigate to it's different functionalities and settings. It is split into three different sections.
The workflows section contains all of Tombolo's functionalities for setting up, monitoring, and running workflows within an HPCC system.
The monitoring section contain's a set of tools to monitor assets within HPCC.
The connections section contain's all of Tombolo's external connection tools including:
- Clusters
- Github
The admin section contains all of application management tools including:
- Applications
- User Management
- Integrations
- Notifications
Top User Menu
Our top user menu provides common functions needed to navigate user settings, control which application you are accessing, and a convenient language picker.
From left to right, these are
- Application Selector - Provides a convenient, quick access method to all applications your user is able to access. Simply select the desired application, sorted by title, from the drop down menu. The currently selected application is displayed at all times.
- User settings - Tombolo currently offers password changing, and log out.
- Language Selector - the application has built in language switching, and currently offer English and Mandarin.
Main Display Space
The main display space in the center of the screen is where the content of the currently accessed page is displayed.