Local Setup
Local installation requires a few dependencies to be installed directly on your machine. This is the best choice for developers who want to contribute to the project, or develop integrations to customize their instance. If you intend to use this installation for production purposes, or do not want to configure your own system, we recommend a containerized installation using our Docker Installation Guide instead.
System Requirements and Prerequisites
System Specifications
- CPU: 2+ cores
- RAM: 4GB+ (8GB recommended for optimal performance)
- Storage: At least 10GB of free disk space
Required Software
- Node.js version 18.0 or above:
- When installing Node.js, you are recommended to check all checkboxes related to dependencies.
- Git latest version recommended.
- MySQL Database latest version recommended (URL, and port number, must be accessible from the installation environment).
- HPCC cluster latest version recommended.
- Email Provider - Required to verify user accounts.
Recommended Software and Skills
Familiarity with basic commands associated with Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, or integrated terminal of your choice
Visual Studio Code or your preferred IDE with integrated terminal.
Step 1 - Clone the Git Repository
Open a Command Prompt, Powershell, Terminal, or any other integrated terminal and navigate to your desired installation location.
Run the command below.
git clone https://github.com/hpcc-systems/Tombolo.git
Step 2 - Configure Environment Variables
Please carefully review each variable before making any changes. Detailed explanations can be found in Configurations
Navigate to the Tombolo folder inside of the root directory of your git installation, and create a new .env file. Paste the code below and set your variables accordingly. These variables are the minimum requirements, for more options use the Configurations documentation as a guide.
DB_USERNAME={your db username, typically root}
DB_PASSWORD={your db user password}
DB_PORT={your db port, typically 3306}
DB_HOSTNAME={your db host, typically localhost}
Save the file when finished.
From the root directory of your git installation, navigate to the Tombolo Folder, and then the Client-reactjs folder, and create a new .env file. Paste the code below and set your variables accordingly. These variables are the minimum requirements, for more options use the Configurations documentation as a guide.
## PROXY URL ------------------------------------
# Make sure this url is pointing to the backend server URL. This is used by the UI to interact with backend (Eg : http://localhost:3000)
## APPLICATION VERSION ----------------------------
# This grabs the application version fron package.json to display on front end
# Authentication Methods, traditional, azure available.
Save the file when finished.
Step 3 - Whitelist Clusters
Clusters need to be whitelisted to allow Tombolo to communicate with them. Any clusters that will be used in Tombolo must be whitelisted for security reasons. None are required to start the software, but at least one is required to access the featureset available.
Inside the Tombolo/server directory, create a new file called cluster-whitelist.js. Use cluster-whitelist.sample.js as a template to add the clusters that you would like to whitelist.
Step 4 - Run the application
Run the following commands from the root directory of your git repository in your preferred terminal or integrated IDE
cd Tombolo/server
npm run bootstrap-server
The cd
command changes the directory you're working with.
The npm run bootstrap-server
command installs dependencies located in the package.json file necessary for running and compiling the code, then creates the database schema and runs necessary migrations and seeder files for the application. After this is finished, it will start the server. You should see the message below in your console, followed by a set of informational messages stating services have started.
Server is finished intializing, and is now running
*** After the bootstrap command has been run, you can start the server in any terminal with the following command inside of the Tombolo/server directory
node server.js
Open a seperate terminal or integrated IDE, and navigate to your git repository location
cd Tombolo/client-reactjs
npm run bootstrap-client
The cd
command changes the directory you're working with.
The npm run bootstrap-client
command installs dependencies located in the package.json file necessary for running and compiling the code. After this is finished, it will start the front end.
*** After the bootstrap command has been run, you can start the client in any terminal with the following command inside of the Tombolo/client-reactjs directory
npm run start
Step 5 - Open the application
Depending on your environment, your browser may have been opened to the start page of Tombolo already, after running the
npm start
command for the client. If not, you can reach your new installation at http://localhost:3001/. If you need any further assistance, check out our user guides.