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Environment Configuration

To get Tombolo up and running, you'll need to configure two essential files. For your convenience, sample .env files are already included in the project. Simply copy these sample files and adjust the values to suit your specific environment.

  1. General Environment File:
    This file contains server-related configurations and Docker-related settings. It is located in the root directory of the project: Tombolo/Tombolo/.env.

  2. Client-Specific Environment File:
    This file is specific to the client-side application and is located in Tombolo/Tombolo/client-reactjs/.env.

Important: Review and understand the variables in these files as they may differ depending on your environment. Detailed explanations for each variable are provided below.

Server Environment Variables

Below are the server and Docker-related configuration variables for Tombolo. These variables are also referenced in the Docker Compose file. Each one is explained with its purpose and usage.

1. Instance Configuration

    This variable is used to give a unique name to the instance of the Tombolo application.
    Example: tombolo_dev_1

    Defines the environment type in which Tombolo will run. It can either be set to development or production.
    Example: development

    The logging level for the Node.js server. Options include error, warn, info, http, verbose, debug, and silly. For more information on configuring logging with Winston, refer to the Winston Configuration.
    Example: http

2. Host, Port, and Web URL Configuration

    This defines the hostname that Tombolo will use. Typically, localhost is used for local development, but in a production setup, this could be a domain name or an IP address where the Tombolo server is hosted.
    Example: localhost

    Specifies the port on which the backend server will run. This is the port that handles API requests and communications between the frontend and backend.
    Example: 3001

    This port is dedicated to the frontend interface of Tombolo. When running locally, the frontend will be accessible through this port.
    Example: 3000

    Port used for secure HTTP traffic (HTTPS). If SSL/TLS isn't configured or required for your local setup, this setting can be ignored.
    Example: 443

    URL to access Tombolo's web interface. It is composed of the hostname and HTTP port. In production, this would be a FQDN.
    Example: http://localhost:3000/

3. SSL Certificate Configuration (Nginx)

These configurations are required if you're using SSL/TLS. Ignore if not using SSL.

    Specifies the directory path where SSL certificates are stored. This path is referenced by Nginx.
    Example: /certs

    The file name of your SSL certificate.
    Example: my_certificate.pem

    The file name of the SSL certificate's private key.
    Example: my_certificate_key.pem

4. Database Configuration

    Determines whether SSL is enabled for the MySQL connection. Set this to true in production environment.
    Example: false

    The default is often root. In production, a non-root user with appropriate permissions is recommended.
    Example: root

    The password associated with the MySQL username.
    Example: root

    The port used for MySQL communication. The default MySQL port is 3306, but this may differ based on your environment.
    Example: 3306

    The name of the MySQL database used by Tombolo.
    Example: tombolo

    The host of the MySQL database, typically localhost for local setups. For Docker, use the service name mysql_db.
    Example: localhost

5. Authentication and Authorization Configuration

Tombolo offers two authentication methods: traditional authentication and Azure AD. By default, traditional authentication is enabled and is required for your ownership account. Regardless of whether you use Azure AD for authentication, the following three variables must be provided.

  • JWT_SECRET Avoid using predictable or short keys. Use a strong, random secret key generated by a secure method (such as using a cryptographically secure random generator)

  • JWT_REFRESH_SECRET Same as JWT secret the Refresh Secret must be unpredictable and long.

  • CSRF_SECRET This token is used by the application to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. It must be a strong, unique value to ensure the integrity of requests and prevent unauthorized actions from malicious sources.

6. OAuth 2.0 (Azure) Configuration

The first step to using Microsoft Entra ID for authentication is to register an application in Azure. Once registered, you will receive a Client ID and Tenant ID, which are crucial for this to work. You can also configure a redirect URI, which is a URL to be routed to when a user is authenticated.

    The tenant ID from Azure AD. You obtain this after registering your application in Azure AD.
    Example: your_tenant_id

    The client ID from Azure AD. You obtain this after registering your application in Azure AD.
    Example: your_client_id

    The client secret from Azure AD. You obtain this after registering your application in Azure AD.
    Example: your_client_secret

  • REDIRECT_URI The redirect URI from Azure AD. You obtain this after registering your application in Azure AD.
    Example: http://localhost:3000

7. Email Configuration

Tombolo does not include a built-in SMTP server. To enable email functionality (e.g., notifications), you will need to configure an external SMTP server:

    The SMTP host for sending emails.

    The port number for the SMTP server.
    Example: 25

    The default sender email address.

8. Security Configuration

    This key is used for hashing, encryption, and decryption operations within Tombolo. You can generate this key using OpenSSL:
    openssl rand -base64 32

    The duration (in days) for which an API key remains valid. This key is used for accessing Tombolo data from external sources. The maximum duration is 365 days, and the default is 28 days.
    Example: 180

9. Integration-Specific Configuration

If you have any integrations enabled and they have environment variables, they can be added to this configuration file as well. There is a placeholder section for those integration-specific variables. Please add them there.

Client Environment Variables

Development Configuration

    Controls whether source maps should be generated. This is mainly used to suppress certain logs generated by Ant Design (antd). The value should be set to false.
    Example: false

  • PORT
    Defines the port on which the front-end React application will run.
    Example: 3001

    Specifies the proxy URL for the React application, typically used to proxy API requests during development.
    Example: http://localhost:3000

LDAP Configuration

    Enables or disables LDAP search functionality. Set this to false as LDAP is not currently used.
    Example: false

Authentication Configuration

    Specifies the authentication method to be used by the application. Available options are traditional and azure. For more details, refer to the APP_AUTH_METHOD variable in the server configuration. These values should be entered in a CSV format. You can use any combination of methods, but at least one must always be present to be able to authenticate to the application.

    Example: traditional,azure

Azure Configuration (only if using Azure AD for authentication)

    The client ID for Azure AD authentication.
    Example: your-azure-client-id

    The tenant ID for Azure AD authentication.
    Example: your-azure-tenant-id

    The URL Azure will redirect the user to after successful authentication. This must also be configured in Azure when registering the app.
    Example: http://localhost:3001/auth/callback

    The API token scope for Azure AD authentication.
    Example: api://your-api-id/.default

App Version

    The version of the application, typically derived from the package version.
    Example: $npm_package_version