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CMake files structure and usage

Directory structure of CMake files

- /

: - CMakeLists.txt - Root CMake file - version.cmake - common cmake file where version variables are set - build-config.h.cmake - cmake generation template for build-config.h

\- cmake\_modules/ - Directory storing modules and configurations for CMake

:   -   FindXXXXX.cmake - CMake find files used to locate libraries,
        headers, and binaries
    -   commonSetup.cmake - common configuration settings for the
        entire project (contains configure time options)
    -   docMacros.cmake - common documentation macros used for
        generating fop and pdf files
    -   optionDefaults.cmake - contains common variables for the
        platform build
    - - script that determines if the OS uses DEB
        or RPM
    - - script that returns OS version
        and arch in format used for packaging

    \- dependencies/ - Directory storing dependency files used for package dependencies

    :   -   \<OS\>.cmake - File containing either DEB or RPM
            dependencies for the given OS

\- build-utils/ - Directory for build related utilities

:   - - script that unpacks a deb file and rebuilds
        with fakeroot to clean up lintain errors/warnings

Common Macros

  • MACRO_ENSURE_OUT_OF_SOURCE_BUILD - prevents building from with in source tree
  • HPCC_ADD_EXECUTABLE - simple wrapper around add_executable
  • HPCC_ADD_LIBRARY - simple wrapper around add_library
  • PARSE_ARGUMENTS - macro that can be used by other macros and functions for arg list parsing
  • HPCC_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY - argument controlled add subdirectory wrapper
  • HPCC_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(test t1 t2 t3) - Will add the subdirectory test if t1,t2, or t3 are set to any value other then False/OFF/0
  • LOG_PLUGIN - used to log any code based plugin for the platform
  • ADD_PLUGIN - adds a plugin with optional build dependencies to the build if dependencies are found

Documentation Macros

  • RUN_XSLTPROC - Runs xsltproc using given args
  • RUN_FOP - Runs fop using given args
  • CLEAN_REL_BOOK - Uses a custom xsl and xsltproc to clean relative book paths from given xml file
  • CLEAN_REL_SET - Uses a custom xsl and xsltproc to clean relative set paths from given xml file
  • DOCBOOK_TO_PDF - Master macro used to generate pdf, uses above macros

Initfiles macro

  • GENERATE_BASH - used to run processor program on given files to replace ###<REPLACE>### with given variables FindXXXXX.cmake

Some standard techniques used in Cmake project files

Common looping


  Actions on each item here.

Common installs over just install

  • install ( FILES ... ) - installs item with 664 permissions
  • install ( PROGRAMS ... ) - installs runable item with 755 permissions
  • install ( TARGETS ... ) - installs built target with 755 permissions
  • install ( DIRECTORY ... ) - installs directory with 777 permissions

Common settings for generated source files

  • set_source_files_properties(<file> PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) - Must be set on generated source files or dependency generation fails and increases build time.

Using custom commands between multiple cmake files

  • GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(<VAR from other cmake file> <var for this file> LOCATION)
  • GET_TARGET_PROPERTY(ESDL_EXE esdl LOCATION) - will get from the top level cache the ESDL_EXE value and set it in esdl for your current cmake file

USE add_custom_command only when 100% needed.

All directories in a cmake project should have a CMakeLists.txt file and be called from the upper level project with an add_subdirectory or HPCC_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY

When you have a property that will be shared between cmake projects use define_property to set it in the top level cache.

  • define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY TEST_TARGET BRIEF_DOCS "test doc" FULL_DOCS "Full test doc")
  • mark_as_advanced(TEST_TARGET) - this is required to force the property into the top level cache.CMake Layout:

FindXXXXX.cmake format

All of our Find scripts use the following format:

  Externals set
    define needed vars for finding external based libraries/headers

    Use Native set
      use FIND_PATH to locate headers
      use FIND_LIBRARY to find libs

Include Cmake macros file for package handling
define package handling args for find return  (This will set XXXXX_FOUND)

  perform any modifications you feel is needed for the find

Mark defined variables used in package handling args as advanced for return

Will define when done:


(more can be defined, but must be at min the previous unless looking for only a binary)

For an example, see FindAPR.cmake

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.