
StatChart displays a normal distribution of continuous data.

A single data row containing exactly 7 data points is required.

The 1st data point sets the lowest value in the set.

The 2nd data point sets the lower quartile (typically the average of the smallest half of values in the set).

The 3rd data point sets the middle quartile (typically the median value in the set).

The 4th data point sets the upper quartile (typically the average of the largest half of values in a set).

The 5th data point sets the largest value in the set.

The 6th data point sets the mean.

The 7th data point sets the standardDeviation.

Alternatively, the mean and standardDeviation can be set via chained methods AFTER the data row has been set.

candleHeight controls the pixel height of the QuartileCandlestick chart along the bottom.

domainPadding controls the left and right padding of the interpolated Scatter chart (bell curve) along the top.

tickFormat can be used to specify a d3 string formatting rule to be applied to the axis tick values (see: Formatting)


Published Properties